German Shepherd Mingo, Therapy Dog Jasper, Founder Laura
Hundreds of pet lovers alongside very special pets have taken my training classes and gone on to serve their communities as Therapy Animal Teams!
My dedication to fostering meaningful and therapeutic connections between people and therapy animals, drove me to deepen my understanding of animal behavior, learning, and emotion. With more than 500 hours in seminars, workshops, and webinars by the world’s top positive reinforcement trainers, animal behaviorists, and advocates, the methods I use and teach promote animal learning and well-being.
As an informed and ethical trainer, I love to make class fun for you and your pet! I teach not only the mechanics of training, but also some of the scientific principles behind animal learning and emotion. This sets you and your pet up for success and enjoyment in your role as a Therapy Animal Team, and enhances the bond you share with your special family pet!
Sadly, there are many trainers that still rely on force, pain or correction to change behavior. The evidence is clear that these techniques are physically and emotionally harmful to animals, can weaken relationships between humans and animals, and increase or cause fear, anxiety, and aggression. Regardless of where you get your training or what your training purpose is, please remember that your dog will respond best when positive techniques are employed. Be kind to your best friend!
Positive reinforcement family pet trainers in Wisconsin can be found at: