Health Heelers Co-Founder, Therapy Dog Savard

Share the love your pet gives with others. ~ Volunteer With Your Pet!

Some domestic dogs, cats, guinea pigs, rabbits, horses and birds can become therapy animals. The chances are very much about their social behavior and other personality traits, and less about skills or obedience; which can be taught. Interestingly, the Therapy Animal role actually requires some rather unique behaviors that aren’t typical of many friendly, lovely pets. For this reason, I offer screenings to provide expert insight as to the potential and readiness you and your pet have to become a therapy animal team. I also offer two levels of classes for people and pets who have good potential and understand the value of my expertise in growing their team skills and interactive behaviors for their future Therapy Animal Team role! Learn more~

  • Health Heelers offers regular screenings which are objective, informed, and non-judgmental assessments of personality traits, interaction style, and skills. Screenings help identify the best next-steps on your path to becoming a Therapy Animal Team. A Screening is highly recommended prior to enrolling in any Health Heelers classes to determine readiness and the most suitable placement. If you’re interested in a Screening, please review the SCREENING CRITERIA.

    • Dogs and cats must be at least 9 months old.

    • Animals must be exceptionally sociable and friendly with unfamiliar people without displaying apprehension or shyness.

    • Animals should be comfortable wearing a standard collar or harness, on leash, and riding in the car. 

    • Animals must be comfortable in new places and around unfamiliar objects.

    • Dogs should respond to basic cues without treats, with at least 70% reliability.

    • Animals must be polite in the company of other animals.

    If your pet meets these criteria, request your personal screening by submitting an APPLICATION.

  • If your pet meets the Screening Criteria, is well-adjusted and has a stable temperament you may submit an APPLICATION to request your private 40-minute Screening. Next Screenings by appointment in Germantown, WI on Wednesday, March 12, 2025.

  • Health Heelers classes greatly increase your chance of success in the Pet Partners evaluation. Students say Health Heelers classes were the best part of their preparation! I offer two levels of Therapy Animal Class to foster your pet's positive attributes, and build your team skills. Classes are for dogs, cats, bunnies, horses and others!

    PRE Therapy Animal Class: A very customized, therapy-specific class that focuses precisely on the areas you and your pet need to work on to keep moving towards becoming a Therapy Animal Team!

    Therapy Animal Team Class: This advanced and rigorous class helps you and your pet prepare for success in the Pet Partners evaluation.

    Next PRE Class Dates: TBD

    Next Therapy Animal Team Class Dates: TBD

  • As your trainer, I also guide and support Health Heelers students through these final steps:

    5a) Check out the Pet Partners website

    5b) Complete the Pet Partners required online Handler Course

    5c) Be evaluated by a Pet Partners licensed evaluator