Therapy Dog Hawkeye

Their eyes grow wider, smiles grow, body tension visibly diminishes... Hands reach for the Health Heelers therapy dog and a connection has begun.

Laughter erupts as strangers join in the common pleasure. . . The therapy animal connection enhances their shared experience. 

Her movement requires great effort at first, but the connection with the therapy dog inspires her... A new milestone is quickly met.

Health Heelers choreographs that connection to help people FEEL better and DO better!

                                     Health Heelers~                                                                                                                                                                 People and pets...together to aid healing.

Welcome to Health Heelers! We’re glad you’re here. Health Heelers is the premier organization for therapy animal program services and support in Southeast Wisconsin. Founded by one of a handful of Animal-Assisted Intervention Specialists in the country, we're passionate about what we do and excited to share it with you! Let us help you reach your vision in Animal-Assisted Interventions! We specialize in creating meaningful therapeutic processes in which the therapy animal is a planned and integral part, benefiting those you serve in a profound way!